New Feature: Reading/Writing Device Data - Conventional Way

Now you can view device and app property values in conventional object format. See documentation for details.

Example Usage

GET /v3/data/devices/My.Device.1

  "plannedStops": 0,
   "idleRunningDur": 0,
   "tw_ends": "2019-06-16T23:59:59.000Z",
   "unplannedStops": 1,
   "Quality": 1,
   "Availability": 0.6779427959069141,
   "date": "2019-06-16",
   "Perf": 1,
   "unplannedDur": 576.805,
   "loadRunningDur": 1214.197,
   "tw_begins": "2019-06-16T00:00:00.000Z"

You can write into device and app properties conventional way too. See Writing Device Properties.

POST /v3/data/devices/My.Device.1

  "plannedStops": 1,
   "idleRunningDur": 5,
   "unplannedStops": 1,
   "Quality": 65