AWS Kinesis

Amazon Web Services Kinesis

AWS Kinesis data connector configuration object consists of the following attributes:

typeConnector type; must be always set to aws-kinesis.
idApp wide unique connector id.
credentialsUsername and password to connect to the service.
regionRegion name of the AWS Kinesis Service. See below for valid regions.
streamStream name.
shardsNumber of shards specified when creating the stream.
maxRecordsPerShardPerSecondMax records per shard per second.
maxBytesPerShardPerSecondMax bytes per shard per second.
dataProcessingMethodIdOptional. Id of the App method that will be used for filtering and/or transforming incoming data. See Overview page for details.
disabledOptional. When true data connector stops streaming.

Valid Regions

GovCloud("us-gov-west-1", "AWS GovCloud (US)"),
US_GOV_EAST_1("us-gov-east-1", "AWS GovCloud (US-East)"),
US_EAST_1("us-east-1", "US East (N. Virginia)"),
US_EAST_2("us-east-2", "US East (Ohio)"),
US_WEST_1("us-west-1", "US West (N. California)"),
US_WEST_2("us-west-2", "US West (Oregon)"),
EU_WEST_1("eu-west-1", "EU (Ireland)"),
EU_WEST_2("eu-west-2", "EU (London)"),
EU_WEST_3("eu-west-3", "EU (Paris)"),
EU_CENTRAL_1("eu-central-1", "EU (Frankfurt)"),
EU_NORTH_1("eu-north-1", "EU (Stockholm)"),
AP_SOUTH_1("ap-south-1", "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"),
AP_SOUTHEAST_1("ap-southeast-1", "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"),
AP_SOUTHEAST_2("ap-southeast-2", "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"),
AP_NORTHEAST_1("ap-northeast-1", "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"),
AP_NORTHEAST_2("ap-northeast-2", "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"),
SA_EAST_1("sa-east-1", "South America (Sao Paulo)"),
CN_NORTH_1("cn-north-1", "China (Beijing)"),
CN_NORTHWEST_1("cn-northwest-1", "China (Ningxia)"),
CA_CENTRAL_1("ca-central-1", "Canada (Central)");
POST .../v3/apps/:ref/dataconnectors/test

  "type": "aws-kinesis",
  "id": "dc.kinesis.1",
  "credentials": {
    "user": "AKIAJH44BQER4BMM6Q",
    "password": "mypassword"
   "region": "us-west-2",
   "stream": "test",
   "shards": 1,
   "maxRecordsPerShardPerSecond": 1000,
   "maxBytesPerShardPerSecond": 1000000, 
   "disabled": false
POST .../v3/apps/:ref/dataconnectors

  "type": "aws-kinesis",
  "id": "dc.kinesis.1",
  "credentials": {
    "user": "AKIAJH44BQER4BMM6Q",
    "password": "mypassword"
   "region": "us-west-2",
   "stream": "test",
   "shards": 1,
   "maxRecordsPerShardPerSecond": 1000,
   "maxBytesPerShardPerSecond": 1000000,   
   "disabled": false
PUT .../v3/apps/:ref/dataconnectors/dc.kinesis.1

   "shards": 2,
   "maxRecordsPerShardPerSecond": 1000,
   "maxBytesPerShardPerSecond": 1000000

AWS Kinesis Service Setup

Kinesis Stream settings on AWS Management Console.


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