CouchDB data connector configuration object consists of the following attributes:

typeConnector type; must be always set to couchDB.
idApp wide unique connector id.
serverProvide only the domain part of the URL without scheme.
portService port number.
sslEither true or false. If true uses TLS connection.
credentialsOptional Username and password to connect to the broker.
databaseNameDatabase name in lowercase.
dataProcessingMethodOptional. Id or name of the App method that will be used for filtering and/or transforming incoming data. See Overview page for details.
disabledOptional. When true data connector stops streaming.
POST .../v3/apps/:ref/dataconnectors/test

  "id": "dc.couchdb.1",	
  "type": "couchDB",
  "server": "",
  "databaseName": "test",
  "port": 443,
  "ssl": true,
  "credentials": {
    "user": "tedoestaildstandangerfar",
    "password": "df22b1299ab24b68d328c1b39a359f31d209e8e0"
POST .../v3/apps/:ref/dataconnectors

  "id": "dc.couchdb.1",	
  "type": "couchDB",
  "server": "",
  "databaseName": "test",
  "port": 443,
  "ssl": true,
  "credentials": {
    "user": "tedoestaildstandangerfar",
    "password": "df22b1299ab24b68d328c1b39a359f31d209e8e0"
PUT .../v3/apps/:ref/dataconnectors/dc.couchdb.1

  "databaseName": "test2"



Only lowercase database names are accepted by CouchDB. If given database does not exist, data connector creates it automatically.

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