SQL data connector configuration object consists of the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
type | Connector type; must be always set to sql . |
id | App wide unique connector id. |
server | Provide only the domain part of the URL without scheme. |
port | Service port number. |
connectionParameters | Optional Map of connection parameters - up to 10. |
credentials | Optional Username and password to connect to the broker. |
databaseFlavour | One of postgresql , mysql , and sqlserver . |
databaseName | Name of the database. |
table | Name of the table. |
columns | Names of the columns that will be modified. |
dataProcessingMethod | Optional. Id or name of the App method that will be used for filtering and/or transforming incoming data. See Overview page for details. |
disabled | Optional. When true data connector stops streaming. |
POST .../v3/apps/:ref/dataconnectors/test
"type": "sql",
"id": "dc.sql.1",
"server": "mysql-265fae22-connio-c43e.aivencloud.com",
"port": 29540,
"connectionParameters": {
"ssl-mode": "REQUIRED"
"credentials": {
"user": "avnadmin",
"password": "ys2q2esmvd3vay94"
"databaseFlavour": "mysql",
"databaseName": "defaultdb",
"table": "test",
"columns": ["feedId", "temperature"],
"dataProcessingMethod": "processData",
"disabled": false
POST .../v3/apps/:ref/dataconnectors
"type": "sql",
"id": "dc.sql.1",
"server": "mysql-265fae22-connio-c43e.aivencloud.com",
"port": 29540,
"credentials": {
"user": "avnadmin",
"password": "ys2q2esmvd3vay94"
"connectionParameters": {
"ssl-mode": "REQUIRED"
"databaseFlavour": "mysql",
"databaseName": "defaultdb",
"table": "test",
"columns": ["feedId", "temperature"],
"dataProcessingMethod": "processData",
"disabled": false
"type": "sql",
"id": "dc.postgresql.1",
"server": "pg-f18d550-connio-c43e.aivencloud.com",
"port": 29540,
"credentials": {
"user": "avnadmin",
"password": "degs21gc1yeweto2"
"connectionParameters": {
"sslmode": "require"
"databaseFlavour": "postgresql",
"databaseName": "defaultdb",
"table": "test",
"columns": ["feedId", "temeprature", "time"],
"disabled": false
PUT .../v3/apps/:ref/dataconnectors/dc.sql.1
"databaseName": "testDB",
"table": "test",
"columns": ["feedId", "temperature", "time"],
"dataProcessingMethod": "processData"
The data connector's data processing method should return a map where Key is the column name, and Value is the value that will be inserted into that column.
By default if no data processing method is provided, a data value will be mapped like the following:
-> data value feed
-> account id
-> app id
-> device id. If it is an app data value this is not assigned
-> complete data value in JSON stringified
Example default expected table:
CREATE TABLE public.datavalues (
feed varchar(100) not null,
account varchar(100) not null,
app varchar(100) not null,
device varchar(100) null,
datavalue varchar(10000) not null
For a data connector that will populate feedId
and temperature
columns, you can return your own map as shown below:
"type": "sql",
"id": "dc.sql.1",
"server": "mysql-265fae22-connio-c43e.aivencloud.com",
"port": 29540,
"credentials": {
"user": "avnadmin",
"password": "ys2q2esmvd3vay94"
"connectionParameters": {
"ssl-mode": "REQUIRED"
"databaseFlavour": "mysql",
"databaseName": "defaultdb",
"table": "test",
"columns": ["feedId", "temperature"],
"disabled": false
function mymethod(value) {
// ignore all properties other than `temperature`
if (value.destination.property.name === "temperature") {
return {
feedId: value.feedId,
temperature: value.value,
//time: value.value.sourceTime
else {
return null;
Updated almost 5 years ago
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